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Eyioyo, describes himself as a hard working, determined, and resilient problem solver with a strong software engineering background. After office hours, he is a diehard Marvel comic fan and an enthusiast of the Joker character….and also supports Manchester United club.

Eyioyo, who has been in Cellulant for six and a half years, leads the Ecobank team and supports initiatives on requirements presented by the bank. Ecobank is available across 33 markets in Africa and with this partnership has given Cellulant a footprint in each of these markets. He also provides support for initiatives in the Ghanaian market.

Where and what did you study in university?

I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology from Methodist university, located in the heart of Accra. I also went ahead to do a postgraduate diploma in Advanced computing where I picked up my passion for writing code.  

What drove you towards engineering?

I always wanted to be an engineer right from childhood, but I was focused on a different type of engineering, the Mechanical part. As fate would have it, Life did a coin toss and instead of wanting to take hardware apart I was bent on building software

What Attracted you to Cellulant

At the time I got wind of Cellulant I was fresh out of a 6 month intensive course and ready to take up challenges in the software industry. The promise of a bright future in digital payments and the zeal to solve payment problems attracted me to Cellulant.

What drives you?

The thirst for success, the fear of failure and the contentment of living life to the fullest.

What would you say has been the most exciting part of the job? 

The simple pleasures of transitioning a product from the user acceptance testing phase to production must be one of the most exciting parts of the job. This also means the client is happy with what has been delivered.

What’s the one problem you are solving for clients in this market? 

Today, supporting the Ecobank mobile banking initiative is a way of pushing for financial inclusion across Africa. With the bank growing, customers are able to do more right from the comfort of their homes.

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What has been the most rewarding moment?

One of the most rewarding moments was the deployment of Mula (now Tingg) in the Ghanaian market. I was the sole engineer and tasked with developing and integrating into all the Mobile network operators to facilitate payments. 

What has been the greatest challenge/learning opportunity about the job?

The first deployment of Ecobank mobile banking platform was one of the greatest learning opportunities. It stretched me as an individual and also as a software engineer. This period exposed me to an industry I had merely been supporting in the background.

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What do you love most about working at Cellulant?

At Cellulant we are problem solvers and system thinkers. We have a drive to solve problems and deliver on mandates from the clients #CustomerDelightWhateverItTakes!.

In your own words, what does Cellulant want to do in Africa and why is that inspirational for you?

Cellulant exists to transform the African continent For Africans by Africans.


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